Short Stories with Helpful Points
Marketing helps you buy your car
I’m here to convince you that there’s a new car on the market that fits you perfectly. Allow me to describe it for you.
Why social media fills you with dread
You sit down to write your social media post for the day. You’ve been dreading it, but you know it has to be done.
Now, what do you say?
Yoda was wrong. There is “try”.
Growing up my parents put me in all kinds of sports activities.
Add value before you ask
You have a friend that calls once a week. Every time he calls, you groan. You know that no matter what, he wants something from you.
Lessons from a Dirt Bike
Everything I learned about business, I learned on the back of a dirt bike. I know, it sounds weird but stick with me.
Lessons from Italy
We went to an Italian Restaurant tonight and had the best time. We were immediately greeted by an elderly gentleman who rushed to open the front door and said "I'm so glad you're here" with a long, southern drawl.